So this is my board.
Like it?
I just got it.
My mom was pretty mad about the whole grafitti thing. She liked it better plain -- just black deck, silver and red trucks, black wheels.
I'm into the deco, myself.
Anyway, I've tried it a few times and have survived to tell the tale. So to celebrate, here's what I'm thinking. I photoshopped this sucker back to the way it was when my mom got it for me -- clean as a whistle.
Here it is:

Now, your mission -- if you choose to accept it, is to take this plain-jane board -- (go ahead -- just pull the pic off my site -- I'm all about the sharing) and fancy it up. If you want to post a copy of your efforts, go ahead and do that, too.
If not -- just go wild, decorate the thing -- and dream of spring.
That's what I'm doing.