Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wowza! It's Linda Grimes...!

Hey -- today I got to visit reality! And it's pretty weird, I have to say...

Kidding! Well, sorta. I actually spent the day hanging with Linda Grimes at her blog 'Visiting Reality'. Linda is one funny writer. She lives in Virginia, and we began things with a little cross-border discussion.

Hop on over HERE to read more. And be sure to check back a few posts -- you'll see Linda's fabulous toes on display. [You don't keep a pedicure like that if you are serious about skateboarding....]

See ya over there!



  1. Hey, Darby! It was great having you visit my blog. You're right about me not being into skateboarding--rollerblading is more my thing. ;)

  2. Oh, man -- rollerblading has cost me too many bruises, so I'm glad it's YOUR sport and not mine!

