Saturday, March 14, 2009


Here's Maurice* the cat, jumped down off his favourite warm spot on the windowsill, to help share the names of this week's winners.

As you may remember, I am celebrating the launch of my new book A WALK THROUGH A WINDOW by interviewing as many blogging authors as I can get to speak with me. If you'd like to share in the celebration from afar, you can click on the title and buy the book. Or better still, you can win a free book by adding your comments to each blog post. At the end of each week in March we are making a big without further ado -- let's get to it!

And the winners are:

A signed novel by Nikki Tate goes to Diana Dang.

A signed copy of Lois Peterson's Meeting Miss 604 (and a bag of wine gums) goes to Kathy C.

A signed copy of The Young City by James Bow goes to MJ.

A signed copy of The Runaway Princess by Kate Coombs goes to Paradox.

A signed copy of The Kids Book of Canada's Railways by Deborah Hodge goes to Steph Su.

A signed copy of Acadian Star by Hélène Boudreau goes to kayla.

A signed copy of Daughter of War by Marsha Skrypuch goes to H.

And the grand prize of a copy of A WALK THROUGH A WINDOW and a copy of MS. ZEPHYR'S NOTEBOOK goes to nhertel85.

Winners, please send an email with your name and snail mail address to kc dyer at telus dot net, and (as my executive assistant) she will send all the books to their respective winners.

Thanks to everyone for playing along...and don't stop now! The celebration continues with more authors and give-aways ....every day for the rest of the month. Stop in tomorrow and see who is on tap.


*photo displayed with thanks, subject to creative commons agreement, shot by SkyWideDesign and displayed on Flickr.


  1. Thanks and congrats to all of the other winners!

  2. Wheee! Thanks, I've emailed you =)

  3. Yes I won a book!

    But I have a question. Is your e-mail supposed to have a space between kc and dyer? Or is there a dash or something? I don't want to get the address wrong, but I don't want to be disqualified for not replying.

    Please answer.

  4. Wait, ignore that last comment, I figured it out.
